Company POS Rates

Method Name: TP_Ozel_Oran_Liste

The virtual pos rates given to the member business by the company are listed. Member business may change these rates (User POS Rates)

MO_x : Member Workplace Ratio
Parameters to Send:

Parameter Required Type Lenght Description
G * Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
GUID * String 36 Key Belonging to Member Workplace

*Non-required fields must be submitted with empty values.

Result Parameters:

Parameter Type Lenght Description
Ozel_Oran_ID Long - Custom ratio ID
GUID String 36 Key Belonging to Member Workplace
Tarih_Bas String 10 The date when the specific rates will be active. (Örn. dd.MM.yyyy)
Tarih_Bit String 10 The date when the specific rates will be passive. (Örn. dd.MM.yyyy)
SanalPOS_ID Integer 4 Virtual POS Number
Kredi_Karti_Banka String 20 Credit Card Brand
(Bonus, Axess vs)
Kredi_Karti_Banka_Gorsel String - Credit Card Brand Visual
MO_01 String 36 One installment rate
MO_02 String - 2nd Installment Rate
MO_03 String - 3rd Installment Rate
MO_04 String - 4th Installment Rate
MO_05 String - 5th Installment Rate
MO_06 String - 6th Installment Rate
MO_07 String - 7th Installment Rate
MO_08 String - 8th Installment Rate
MO_09 String - 9th Installment Rate
MO_10 String - 10th Installment Rate
MO_11 String - 11th Installment Rate
MO_12 String - 12th Installment Rate

If any installment rate is -1 or -2, in other words it is smaller than "0", then this installment option is not available for that card brand.

Sample Result Parameters:

    <DT_Ozel_Oranlar diffgr:id="DT_Ozel_Oranlar1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
    <Kredi_Karti_Banka>Diğer Banka Kartları</Kredi_Karti_Banka>