End-user POS List

Method Name: TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Liste

The special rate end-user list, as standard, returns the same rate as the method in Company POS Rates. Lists the commission rates that will be shown to the customer of the member workplace.

For example, the company gives a commission rate of 3.15% for the 3 installments of the Axess credit card. The member business thinks that this ratio is high for the customers and updates the commission rate to 2.50% using the method in 5.3. The customer sees this installment commission rate at 2.50% on the site of the member business and at the payment stage and makes the payment. The Firm collects the customer rate of 2.50% from the customer and the 0.65% difference between the two from the member merchant.
Parameters to Send:

Parameter Required Type Length Description
G * Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
GUID * String 36 Key Belonging to Member Workplace

*Non-required fields must be submitted with empty values.

Result Parameters:

Parameter Type Length Description
Sonuc Integer - The transaction result
Sonuc_Str String - Transaction result explanation
DT_Bilgi Object - Storage card list

DT_Bilgi Object:

Parameter Type Length Description
Ozel_Oran_SK_ID Long - ID of the list that coming from Special Ratio SK Liste
GUID String 36 Key Belonging to Member Workplace
SanalPOS_ID Integer 4 Virtual Pos Number
Kredi_Karti_Banka String 20 Credit Card Brand
(Bonus, Axess vs)
Kredi_Karti_Banka_Gorsel String - Credit Card Brand Visual
MO_01 String 36 One installment rate
MO_02 String - 2nd Installment Rate
MO_03 String - 3rd Installment Rate
MO_04 String - 4th Installment Rate
MO_05 String - 5th Installment Rate
MO_06 String - 6th Installment Rate
MO_07 String - 7th Installment Rate
MO_08 String - 8th Installment Rate
MO_09 String - 9th Installment Rate
MO_10 String - 10th Installment Rate
MO_11 String - 11th Installment Rate
MO_12 String - 12th Installment Rate

Sample Result Parameters:

    <DT_Ozel_Oranlar diffgr:id="DT_Ozel_Oranlar_SK1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
    <Kredi_Karti_Banka>Diğer Banka Kartları</Kredi_Karti_Banka>