Pre-Provision with Payment

Method Name: TP_Islem_Odeme_OnProv

It is used to take provision. The balance on the credit card is blocked.

Parameters to Send:

Parameter Required Type Length Description
G * Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
GUID * String 36 Key Belonging to Member Workplace
KK_Sahibi * String 100 Credit Card Holder
KK_No * String 16 Credit Card Number
KK_SK_Ay * String 2 2 digit Expiration month
KK_SK_Yil * String 4 4 digit Expiration year
KK_CVC * String 3 CVC Code
KK_Sahibi_GSM * String 10 Credit Card holder GSM No, Without zero at the beginning (5xxxxxxxxx)
Hata_URL * String 256 If the payment fails, page address to be redirected to
Basarili_URL * String 256 If the payment is successful, page address to be redirected to
Siparis_ID * String 50 Singular ID for order-specific. If you have sent before this value, the system assings new Siparis_ID. As a result of this the Siparis_ID is returned.
Siparis_Aciklama String 250 Description of the order
Islem_Tutar * String - Order Amount, (only a comma with Kuruş format 1000,50)
Toplam_Tutar * String - Commission Including Order Amount, (only a comma with Kuruş format 1000,50)
Islem_Hash * String - Transaction Hash Value
Islem_Guvenlik_Tip * String - NS (NonSecure) or 3D are sent
Islem_ID String - Single ID except the Siparis_ID that belongs to transaction, optional.
IPAdr * String 50 IP Address
Ref_URL String 256 Url of page where payment is made
Data1 String 250 Extra Space 1
Data2 String 250 Extra Space 2
Data3 String 250 Extra Space 3
Data4 String 250 Extra Space 4
Data5 String 250 Extra Space 5

*Non-required fields must be submitted with empty values.

Result Parameters:

Parameter Type Length Description
Sonuc Integer - The transaction result
Sonuc_Str String - The transaction result explanation
Islem_ID Long - SID Value
UCD_URL String - 3D’s URL
Islem_GUID String - Transaction GUID Value
Banka_Sonuc_Kod Integer - The code returned by bank