What is SSL?

Customer Satisfaction and Increasing Transaction Volume

With e-commerce companies that offer shopping with Virtual POS, membership system and card storage features, trust should be taken to transform individual buyers into fixed and loyal customers.

In such an environment where information such as credit card or debit card is shared, high limits and large personal accounts are spoken, the customer should first feel safe.

The more secure they feel about their information and cards, the more often they will be making their purchases from that e-commerce company, and it will become a habit.

At the same time, e-commerce companies that do not have an SSL certificate may be liable to pay serious reimbursement as their card cannot be secured by the card if they are copied and used by malicious third parties.

What is SSL?

SSL protocol is the security protocol that provides the information to be transferred to the Internet browser. Data traffic is encrypted and encrypted traffic cannot be tracked by others, credit card and other personal information cannot be read by monitoring traffic.

SSL is important for anyone who thinks about the security of the data online, ie in the digital world. Online shopping, along with card information, such as name, address, mail and personal data such as security and assurance of security becomes even more important.

Does Not Allow Malicious Use

Since e-commerce sites that have SSL certificates will enter using https: // instead of http: //, it can be understood that the sites that contain this phrase are secure.Because the SSL certificate approved by an authorized company will be available as https: //.The credit card information given for the purchases made from the sites where this certificate is found is encrypted against the copying and sent to the payment institution and the transaction is performed.These password combinations, which are unpredictable and unlikely to be captured, are not shared with third parties and card information and other personal data is not shared with third parties.

Who Can I Get Support for SSL Installation?

SSL installation is easy.If you have no previous experience with this;
·       If you are using a ready e-commerce infrastructure, you can get support from your infrastructure provider.
·       If you have an open source or custom software website, you can get support from your hosting provider.The hosting company will help you to install SSL on your site.
·       If you plan to complete the SSL organization on your site, please visit https://movingtohttps.com for more information.