Customized Post Rates

Method Name: TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Guncelle

It is for the member business to show the customer a lower rate than the commission rates given by the firm. This commission rate may be less than or equal to the commission rate the firm has paid to the member merchant. If the difference between the two commission ratios is greater than "0", this difference is met by the member business.

(e.g. End-user POS List / 2.paragraph)

All parameters are mandatory. “100” value is sent for the installment parameter for which the commission rate remains the same. “-1” is sent if you want to use any installment option. If any installment rate is -1 or -2, in other words is smaller than "0", then this installment option is not available for that card brand.

Send rates in comma. Ex. Like 1, 25

Parameters to Send:

Parameter Required Type Length Description
G * Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
Ozel_Oran_SK_ID * Long - ID of the list that coming from Special Ratio SK Liste
GUID * String 36 Key Belonging to Member Workplace
MO_01 String 36 One installment rate
MO_02 String - 2nd Installment Rate
MO_03 String - 3rd Installment Rate
MO_04 String - 4th Installment Rate
MO_05 String - 5th Installment Rate
MO_06 String - 6th Installment Rate
MO_07 String - 7th Installment Rate
MO_08 String - 8th Installment Rate
MO_09 String - 9th Installment Rate
MO_10 String - 10th Installment Rate
MO_11 String - 11th Installment Rate
MO_12 String - 12th Installment Rate

*Non-required fields must be submitted with empty values.

Result Parameters:

Parameter Type Length Description
Sonuc Integer - The transaction result
Sonuc_Str String - Transaction result explanation

Sample Result Parameters:

<ST_Sonuc xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<Sonuc_Str>Process Successfull</Sonuc_Str>