Cancel or Refund


This method is used to cancel or refund a successful credit card transaction. Cancellations are made for transactions made on the same day and refunds are made for different days.


  • To cancel/refund orders received from more than one vendor, all connected vendor orders will be canceled/refunded by sending SiparisTutar = 0.
  • In cases where the products purchased from more than one seller are canceled/returned on a seller basis, they are required to send information about the amount to be deducted from the relevant Pazaryeri order (SiparisTutar) and the current amount to be paid to the seller (OdenecekTutar).
  • Information to be paid (amount to be paid) to the Seller; amount to be paid when updated after cancellation/refund; OrderAmount cannot be greater than the information. WARNING:“The amount to be paid cannot be greater than the product amount”

Parameter Required Type Length Description
G * Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
PYSiparis_GUID * String 36 Pazaryeri Order GUID Value(Result of (Pazaryeri_TP_Siparis_Detay_Ekle method)
GUID * String 36 GUID of the merchant
Durum * String - CANCEL for cancellation REFUND is written for returns.
Siparis_ID * String - Order ID value of the transaction (Result of Pos_Odeme)
Sipariş Tutar * Double - Order Amount ( If “SiparisTutar=0” the full amount is reffunded. If value “SiparisTutar > 0” is sent, partial cancellation/refund is performed.)
Odenecek Tutar/td> * Double - Current amount payable to seller

G Object:

Parameter Required Type Length Description
CLIENT_CODE * Integer 5 Terminal ID will be forwarded by us.
CLIENT_USERNAME * String max 16 Username will be transmitted by us.
CLIENT_PASSWORD * String max 11 Password will be transmitted by us.
Parameter Type Length Description
Sonuc Integer 1 Result Value
Sonuc_Str String 150 Result Description, Sonuc_Ack Parameter > 0 Operation Successful, otherwise failed.
Durum String 36 Status code
Durum_Str String - Status Description
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<Pazaryeri_TP_Iptal_Iade xmlns="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<Pazaryeri_TP_Iptal_IadeResponse xmlns="">
<Durum_Str>Sipariş Durum Güncellendi</Durum_Str>