TP_Islem_Odeme_WD Hash Formula
Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID & Hata_URL & Basarili_URL
Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str)
This method is used to make transactions in foreign currency.
This method only works with foreign cards.
Parameter | Required | Type | Lenght | Description |
G | Yes | Object | - | ST_WS_Guvenlik Object |
GUID | Yes | String | 36 | Key of the Merchant |
Doviz_Kodu | Yes | Integer | - | Doviz_Kodu Credit 1000 TurkPara - TRL 1001 TurkPara - USD 1002 TurkPara - EUR 1003 Turkpara - GBP |
KK_Sahibi | Yes | String | 100 | Credit Card Holder |
KK_No | Yes | String | 16 | Credit Card Number |
KK_SK_Ay | Yes | String | 2 | two-digit expiration (month) |
KK_SK_Yil | Evet | String | 4 | 4-digit Expiration (Year) |
KK_CVC | Yes | String | 3 | CVC Code |
KK_Sahibi_GSM | Yes | String | 10 | Credit Card Holder GSM Number, without leading 0 (5xxxxxxxxx) |
Hata_URL | Yes | String | 256 | Page address to redirect to if the checkout fails |
Basarili_URL | Yes | String | 256 | Page url to be redirected if the payment is successful |
Siparis_ID | Evet | String | 50 | Unique ID specific to the order. If you have sent this value before, the system assigns a new Order_ID. The system returns this Order_ID after the transaction |
Siparis_Aciklama | Yes | String | 250 | Description of the order |
Islem_Tutar | Yes | String | - | Order Amount, (only in comma penny format 1000,50) |
Toplam_Tutar | Yes | String | - | Order Amount Including Commission, (only in comma penny format 1000,50) |
Islem_Hash | Yes | String | - | Transaction Hash Value |
Islem_Guvenlik_Tip | Yes | String | - | Sent NS (NonSecure) or 3D |
Islem_ID | No | String | - | Unique ID other than Order ID of the transaction, optional. |
IPAdr | Yes | String | 50 | IP Adress |
Ref_URL | No | String | 256 | URL of the payment page |
Data1 | No | String | 250 | Extra space 1 |
Data2 | No | String | 250 | Extra space 2 |
Data3 | No | String | 250 | Extra space 3 |
Data4 | No | String | 250 | Extra space 4 |
Data5 | No | String | 250 | Extra space 5 |
Parameter | Type | Lenght | Description |
Sonuc | Integer | - | Transaction result |
Sonuc_Str | String | - | Process result description |
Islem_ID | Long | - | SID Value |
UCD_URL | Long | - | 3D URL |
Banka_Sonuc_Kod | Integer | - | The code the bank returns |
Parameter | Description |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Sonuc | Result value |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Sonuc_Str | Result Description |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Islem_Tarih | Transaction Date |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Dekont_ID | Receipt Number |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Tahsilat_Tutari | Amount collected from the customer |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Odeme_Tutari | Net amount. The amount collected minus the commission fee. |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Siparis_ID | Unique Order_ID for the transaction sent to the service |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Islem_ID | Transaction ID sent to the service |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Ext_Data | The concatenated form of the parameters Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5 in the method. Ext_Data = Data1 & "|" & Data2 & "|" & Data3 & "|" & Data4 & "|" & Data5 |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Banka_Sonuc_Kod | The code returned by the bank error. |
TURKPOS_RETVAL_KK_No | Credit card number (First 6, last 4) |