• Job List
  • City List
  • County List
  • KYC Start
  • Upload Documents

GET /api/v1/KYC/JobList

The occupation list is the rotating service.

Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
jobs Array
jobID Integer Occupation ID value
job String Occupation
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "resultObject": {
      "jobs": [
          "jobId": 1,
          "job": "Akademisyen",
          "jobId": 2,
          "job": "Astsubay",
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

GET /api/v1/KYC/CityList

The province list is the returning service.

Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
cities Array
cityID Integer City ID value
city String Cities
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "resultObject": {
      "cities": [
          "cityID": 1,
          "city": "Adana",
          "cityID": 2,
          "city": "Adıyaman",
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/KYC/CountryList

It is a service that lists the districts according to the province information in the request.

Parameters Required Type Description
cityId Yes Integer City Id value
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
counturies Array
countyID Integer District Id value
county String District Name
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cityId": 6,
    "resultObject": {
      "counturies": [
          "countyID": 1872,
          "city": "Akyurt",
          "countyID": 1130,
          "city": "Altındağ",
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/KYC/Start

KYC Initiation Endpoint

Parameters Required Type Description
accountId Evet String Account Id value
identityNo Evet String Identity Value
name Evet String Name
surname Evet String Surname
serialNumber Evet String Serial Nuber
birthDate Evet String Date of Birth
birthPlace Evet String Place of Birth
cityId Evet Integer City Id Value
countyId Evet Integer District Id Value
jobId Evet Integer Occupation Id Value
address Evet String Address Information
nationality Evet String Nationality
email Evet String Email Value
Parametre Tip Açıklama
resultObject Object
kycStatusId Integer KYC Status Id value
isSuccess Boolean Success Status
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "accountId": "0b8b3cf1-acd6-4509-9d47-19fdd541a85f",
    "identityNo": "11714588159",
    "name": "John",
    "surname": "Doe",
    "serialNumber": "A32H58900",
    "birthDate": "01.04.2000",
    "birthPlace": "Polatlı",
    "cityId": 6,
    "countyId": 1578,
    "jobId": 20,
    "address": "Deneme Mah. Test Sitesi",
    "nationality": "TC",
    "email": "[email protected]"
    "resultObject": {
        "kycStatusId": 4,
        "isSuccess": true
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/KYC/UploadDocuments

This is the service used to upload documents.

Parameters Required Type Description
accountId Yes String Account Information
documentId Yes Integer Document Id Value
document Yes String Document Data
extension Yes String Document Extension
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
successed Boolean Status Value
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "accountId": "0b8b3cf1-acd6-4509-9d47-19fdd541a85f",
    "documentId": 2,
    "extension": ".pdf"
    "resultObject": {
        "successed": true
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null