
  • TopUp
  • Masterpass TopUp

POST /api/v1/Payment/TopUp

With this service you can top up your account with a credit or debit card.

Parameters Required Type Description
accountId Yes String Account Id value
amount Yes String Amount of money
creditCardNo Yes String Card Number
nameSurname Yes String Name and Surname on the Card
expireMonth Yes String Expiration Date (Month)
expireYear Yes String Expiration Date (Year)
cvv Yes String Security code on the back of the card (CVC)
installment Yes Integer Number of Installments
secureType Yes Integer Determines Security Type
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
isSuccess Integer Success Status
message Boolean Returning Message
url Boolean URL Information
refId Boolean Reference ID value
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "accountId": "0b8b3cf1-acd6-4509-9d47-19fdd541a85f",
    "amount": 10.00,
    "creditCardNo": "4446763125813623",
    "nameSurname": "Test Deneme",
    "expireMonth": "12",
    "expireYear": "2026",
    "cvv": "000",
    "installment": 0,
    "secureType": 0
    "resultObject": {
        "isSuccess": false,
        "message": "null"
        "url": "null"
        "refId": 0
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Payment/MasterpassTopUp

This service is used to top up funds with Masterpass.

Parameters Required Type Description
cardId Yes String Card Id Information
amount Yes Integer Amount
commissionAmount Yes String Commission Amount
orderId Yes String Order Id Value
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
expenseReceipt Boolean Expense Voucher Value
topupReceipt Boolean PopUp installation receipt
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cardId": "0b8b3cf1-acd6-4509-9d47-19fdd541a85f",
    "amount": 10.00,
    "commissionAmount": 0,
    "orderId": "newOrderId01"
    "resultObject": {
        "expenseReceipt": "3000056010"
        "topupReceipt": "3000056011"
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null