Hash Calculation

Transaction Hash Value Calculation:

Before some transactions; to calculate the “Transaction_Hash” value, the SHA2B64 method found under the API tab at https://dev.param.com.tr/en/api should be run.

The SHA2B64 method hashes the value you send as a parameter and converts it to Base64String. As given for each method below, combine these parameters using the string concatenation method suitable for your programming language and send it to the SHA2B64 method. The result you obtain is the Transaction_Hash value. Create the parameter formats to generate the Transaction_Hash by referring to the Parameters to be Sent table. (Such as the decimal format of Transaction_Amount)

Sale - 3D Pay / NS (Pos_Odeme)

        Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Taksit & 
        Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID & Hata_URL & Basarili_URL
        Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str)

Sale - 3D Model / NS (TP_WMD_UCD)

        Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Taksit & 
        Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID
        Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str)

Payment with Points (TP_WMD_UCD_WP)

        Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Taksit & 
        Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID
        Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str)

Pre-Authorization - 3D Model / NS

        Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID &
        Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID & Hata_URL & Basarili_URL
        Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str)

Payment in Foreign Currency

        Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(G.CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Islem_Tutar &  
        Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID & Hata_URL & Basarili_URL)

Pre-authorization with Stored Card

        Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID & Hata_URL & Basarili_URL
        Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str) 

Payment with BKM Express

        Dim Islem_Guvenlik_Hash2B64$ = SHA2B64(G.CLIENT_CODE & GUID &  Amount &  
        Order_ID & Error_URL & Success_URL)