Marketplace project with multiple buyers
will be able to shop from the merchant group, then make payments for the relevant products and
payments can be easily transferred to vendor groups.
Within the scope of the Marketplace
project; member
is an integration API help document prepared for the services that businesses will use.
Pazaryeri_TP_AltUyeIsyeri_Ekleme method is used to define information related to a member
business. On the Param side, there must be a Pos account starting with 6371 for the Marketplace. The same
member business is defined only once.
Pazaryeri_TP_AltUyeIsyeri_Guncelleme method can be used to update the information of the
added sub-member business.
Pazaryeri_TP_AltUyeIsyeri_Liste method can be used to query the sub-member business at all
4.2 Order Payment and Order and Payment Cancellation/Refund transactions
Using the value of the Islem_Hash parameter, the payment process is initiated with any of
the methods: Sale-3D Pay / NS / Sale-3D Model / NS / Payment with MasterPass / Payment with Foreign
Currency / Payment with Card Storage / Payment with BKM Express. The Order Amount is
transferred to the Marketplace account.
Upon successful payment, the Pazaryeri_TP_Siparis_Detay_Ekle method is run; previously
saved sub-member business, Islem_ID returned from the Payment methods, and net amount after commission
deduction are sent.
If transactions are not to be canceled or refunded, the Pazaryeri_TP_Siparis_Onay method is run; the order
is approved, and on the due date, the relevant amount is transferred to the IBAN of the sub-member business.
If transactions are to be canceled or refunded, the Pazaryeri_TP_Iptal_Iade method is run after the
Pazaryeri_TP_Siparis_Detay_Ekle or Pazaryeri_TP_Siparis_Onay operations. The amount is refunded to the
user's card who made the payment.
The Pazaryeri_TP_Islem_Sorgulama method can be run at every step.
Unless specified otherwise, all parameters sent to the methods are mandatory fields.
Security checks are performed in Web Service methods with the ST_WS_Guvenlik object.
To pass the ST_WS_Guvenlik object with the following information, please also send us your
server IP
Address (if multiple IP Addresses, IP Address Blocks) or your website address.
ST_WS_Guvenlik object:
The following information will be communicated once the integration process is successfully completed. Until this
stage, you can use the test information in item 3.
Terminal ID will be provided by us.
max 16
Username will be provided by us.
max 11
Password will be provided by us.
For technical issues you encounter regarding integration, you can send all your support requests to [email protected].