Error Codes

The services will be accessed via HTTPS protocol in real environment. In order for the transactions to take place, the company internet address IP address or IP Blocks, website address should be sent and necessary definitions should be made by us.

Lists of Error Codes
Code Description
1 Successful
-1 Unsuccessful
-100 Account is not found
-101 Security Error
-102 Transaction Hash is invalid
-103 GUID length is invalid
-104 Siparis_ID will be maximum 36 character
-105 Credit Card CVV length is invalid. It will be 3 digits
-106 Credit Card year length is invalid
-107 Credit Card expiration month length is invalid
-108 Customer GSM number is invalid
-109 SanalPOS_ID length is invalid
-110 Installment is invalid
-111 IP format is invalid
-112 Amount format is invalid. Do not use dot. For the Kuruş format send with a comma
-113 The amount should not be less than or equal to 0
-114 No action can be taken with the test user
-115 Amounts format invalid. It must be in 2 digits after winning
-116 A Successful URL or Error URL cannot be null
-117 GSM No should be numeric
-118 Credit Card number length is invalid
-119 Credit Card number format is invalid
-120 Date format is invalid
-121 Credit Card holder information should enter completely
-200 Commission information could not found
-201 SThe installment of virtualPOS_ID is invalid
-202 Commision is incorrect that is added to total
-203 There was an error while calculating cutting commission information
-204 Virtual POS type is incorrect
-205 There was an error when saving the payment information. Repeat the process
-206 Virtual POS trasaction could not saved
-207 System Error
-208 Virtual POS Type or Card number could not found
-209 Transaction information could not found
-210 No action was found for the Cancellation/Return
-211 Transaction status: Cancellation
-212 Transaction status: Reply
-213 Action to be returned is requested to be canceled
-214 Action to be returned is requested to be replyed
-215 Credit Card BIN code is incompatible with VirtualPOS_ID. Inaccurate VirtualPOS_ID is selected according to credit card branding
-216 GUID and Security object does not match
-217 Cancellation or Refund Amount can not be greater than transaction amount
-218 Amount is incorrect for the action to be canceled
-219 The status parameter can not be empty. Send CANCEL or REPLY
-220 Debit card can not be used for installments or prohibited information cannot be processed.
-221 The Return Amount can not be greater than the Returnable Amount
-222 Date range can not be more than 7 days
-223 Test credit card can not be processed in real environment
-300 Card storage failed
-301 Card resolution failed
-90004 Monthly POS transaction limit has expired.