Error Codes

Services will be accessed over HTTPS protocol in real environment. In order for the transactions to take place, the institution's internet exit IP address or IP Blocks, website address must be transmitted and the necessary definitions must be made by us.

When assigning a sub-member to the payment in marketplace transactions (via the transaction detail add service), if the amount parameter "Amount_Product" is greater than or equal to the collected amount, you receive this error message.
The amount parameter "Amount_Product" should be calculated based on the net amount remaining after deducting the Param commission. In the live environment (Prod), the net amount is also returned in the payment response, but it is not returned in the test environment.
When a defined account belonging to the G Object (CLIENT_CODE, CLIENT_USERNAME, CLIENT_PASSWORD) sent in the request cannot be found, this error message is received. We recommend checking the relevant parameters.
This error message can occur due to the IP address not being defined in the relevant Param account. From the ParamPOS -> Integration Information submenu, you can add or remove IPs.
Before some transactions, it is necessary to calculate the transaction hash value. The hash value is calculated using a different formula for each service. If the hash value is calculated incorrectly, this error message is encountered.

You can access our hash calculation document and learn about the hash calculation method for the service you are requesting by clicking the link below:
This error message is received when a value is not entered in the transaction hash parameter added to the request. We recommend that you check the relevant parameter.
The error message is received from the marketplace business model during the sub-member addition (Pazaryeri_TP_AltUyeIsyeri_Ekleme) service. This error message is received when the TC_VN parameter in the relevant request is entered with more or less than 11 characters.
This error message is received when the installment value added to the request is entered incorrectly. We recommend you to check the related parameter.
This error message is received due to the IP parameter sent in an incorrect format during the payment request. IP addresses can be within the range of to We recommend checking the value sent in the payment request.
This error message is received when the transaction is made with the test user (CLIENT_CODE, CLIENT_USERNAME, CLIENT_PASSWORD) information in the live environment.
This error message can be received in requests where the date format is entered. The date format should be Day.Month.Year. Example: 18.09.2023
This error message can occur from the payment via iframe (TP_Modal_Payment) service. In this service, the orderId value must be unique for each successful transaction. If there is already a successful transaction recorded with the orderId sent in the request, this error message will be received. We recommend trying again by changing the orderId value in the request.
This error message can be returned from the sub-member addition service in the marketplace business model. This error occurs when the IBAN parameter added to the payment request does not match the customer's information. We recommend checking the relevant information.
If the commission agreement is in the member merchant type, the transaction amount and total amount must be sent the same. If it is customer pays type for the merchant,

Commission Inclusive Total Amount Calculation
Commission Rate: TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Liste the commission rate selected from the TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Liste method
Islem_Tutar: The amount of your order
Total_Tutar = Islem_Tutar + ((Islem_Tutar x Commission Rate) / 100) is as follows.
The installment options for the respective card may be closed or not defined on Param's side. BIN check should be performed. The card used during the transaction may be a foreign card. If it is a foreign card, authorization for foreign cards is required. The foreign card rate should be checked. If it is not a foreign card, rate definitions for that card may not be defined in the account. Account rates should be checked or the transaction should be attempted with a different card.
To determine the commission rate for a card with a commission rate:
1. Execute the BIN_SanalPos service for the used card and retrieve the sanalPosId value from the returned response.
2. Execute the TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Liste service and determine the commission rate corresponding to the SanalposId value from the response. After obtaining the commission, multiply the value set to the Islem_Tutar parameter by the commission rate and set it to the Toplam_Tutar parameter.
If there is a commission agreement with the merchant type as "commission agreement", the transaction amount and total amount must be sent the same way. If the customer pays for the merchant type,
Islem_Tutar: Your order amount
Commission Rate: TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Liste The commission rate of the installment selected from the method should be
Total_Amount = Transaction_Amount + ((Transaction_Amount x Commission Rate) / 100)
should be like this.
This error message is received if the transaction belonging to the receiptId or orderId parameters added to the request cannot be detected. We recommend you to check the relevant parameters.
In the return service, the receiptId added to the request can be received when it does not belong to any transaction. We recommend you to check the DekontID value.
If a successful transaction has entered the end of the day, the return can be canceled on the same day, and vice versa, this error message will be returned when a transaction is made.
If a successful transaction has entered the end of the day, the return can be canceled on the same day. In the opposite case, this error message will be returned when a transaction is made.
If the Security Object (CLIENT_CODE, CLIENT_USERNAME, CLIENT_PASSWORD) sent in the request does not belong to the same account as the GUID, or if an incorrect value is sent, this error message is received. We recommend checking the relevant values.
This error message is returned when the gsm and card number sent in the request is caught in security filters. For detailed information, we recommend that you contact param support teams.
Test cards can only be used with Test Environment Information (CLIENT_CODE, CLIENT_USERNAME, CLIENT_PASSWORD). Real transactions should be made with a real card in the live environment.
After registering with Param, member merchants are assigned a maximum limit for non-secure transactions. If a transaction amount exceeds this limit, the corresponding error message may be received. The limit specific to the account can be increased by the merchant team.
In transactions made with a stored card, this error message is received if the relevant card has expired or the card has been deleted.
There is a successful order belonging to the submitted Siparis_ID. Siparis_ID value must be a unique value.