
  • Card Create
  • Info With Balance And Status
  • Freeze
  • UnFreeze

POST /api/v1/Card/Create

It is used to create an additional card for the account.

Parameters Required Type Description
accountId Evet String Account Ids
cardType Evet Integer Kart Type
cardSubType Evet Integer Sub Card Type
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
cardNo String Card Number
cardId String Card Ids
cardType Integer Card Type
cardSubType Integer Sub Card Type
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "accountId": "0b8b3cf1-acd6-4509-9d47-19fdd541a85f",
    "cardType": 2,
    "cardSubType": 1
    "resultObject": {
        "cardNo": "5356163616598681",
        "accountId": "0b8b3cf1-acd6-4509-9d47-19fdd541a85f",
        "cardType": 2,
        "cardSubType": 1
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Card/InfoWithBalanceAndStatus

It lists the cardholder's card information, balance, status and approved document information.

Parameters Required Type Description
cardId Evet String Card Ids
accountId Evet String Account Ids
Parametre Tip Açıklama
resultObject Object
cardId String Card Ids
cardNo String Card Number
expireDate String Month and Year (08/29)
cvv String Card CVV
status Integer Status
statusDescription String Status Description
kycStatuId Integer KYC Status ID
wallets Object
id Integer Wallet ID value
name String Wallet Currency
balance Integer Wallet Amount
kycdescription String KYC Description
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cardId": "c3700348-f387-4659-8e4c-68d415e22347",
    "accountId": "0b8b3cf1-acd6-4509-9d47-19fdd541a85f",
    "resultObject": {
        "cardId": "c3700348-f387-4659-8e4c-68d415e22347",
        "cardNo": "5356163616598681",
        "expireDate": "08/29",
        "cvv": "289"
        "status": 1
        "statusDescription": "active"
        "kycStatuId": 0
        "kycMessage": "Unverified"
        "wallets": [
            "id": 1000,
            "name": "TRL",
            "balance": 0,
            "kycdescription": null
        "documents": []
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Card/Freeze

This service is used to freeze the card.

Parameters Required Type Description
cardId Yes String Card Id Information
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
successed Boolean Status Information
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cardId": "c3700348-f387-4659-8e4c-68d415e22347",
    "resultObject": {
        "successed": true,
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Card/UnFreeze

This is used to activate the frozen card.

Parameters Required Type Description
cardId Evet String Card Id Information
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
successed Boolean Status Information
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cardId": "c3700348-f387-4659-8e4c-68d415e22347",
    "resultObject": {
        "successed": true,
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null