GET /api/v1/Info/BankAccountList
This service returns the bank list information of Param corporate accounts.
Parameters | Type | Description |
resultObject | Object | |
bankAccounts | Object | |
eftCode | String | EFT Code value |
bankName | String | Bank Name |
iban | String | IBAN Information |
receiverName | String | Recipient Name |
bankUrl | String | Bank URL information |
resultInfo | Object | |
isSuccess | boolean | Success status |
code | String | Code |
description | String | Description |
message | String | Message |
innerInfo | String | Inner Information |
mapCodeForLastUser | String | - |
statistics | String | - |
POST /api/v1/Info/CheckIBANNumber
This service checks the IBAN number and whether it belongs to the user. It works integrated with KKB IBAN verification service. It compares IBAN and TCKN in the back process.
Parameters | Required | Type | Description |
IBAN | Evet | String | IBAN Information |
accountId | Evet | String | Account Ids |
Parametre | Tip | Açıklama |
resultObject | Object | |
isSuccess | String | Success Status |
description | String | Description |
resultInfo | Object | |
isSuccess | boolean | Success status |
code | String | Code |
description | String | Description |
message | String | Message |
innerInfo | String | Inner Information |
mapCodeForLastUser | String | - |
statistics | String | - |
POST /api/v1/Info/CheckCardBIN
This service returns the information of the BIN number sent.
Parameters | Required | Type | Description |
CardBIN | Evet | String | Card BIN Information |
Parameters | Type | Description |
resultObject | Object | |
bin | String | BIN Information |
eftCode | Integer | EFT Code |
eftCodeStr | String | EFT Code Value |
bankName | String | Bank Name |
network | String | Card Type (Master Kart, Visa, Troy etc.) |
cardType | String | Type of card (Kredi Kartı, Debit Kart) |
isBusinessCard | Boolean | Corporate Card? |
resultInfo | Object | |
isSuccess | boolean | Success status |
code | String | Code |
description | String | Description |
message | String | Message |
innerInfo | String | Inner Information |
mapCodeForLastUser | String | - |
statistics | String | - |
GET /api/v1/Info/IbanInfo
It returns the IBAN details linked to the account or the account details linked to the IBAN.
Paramteres | Required | Type | Description |
accountId | No | String | Accoun GUID value |
IBAN | NO | String | cARD IBAN value |
Parametes | Type | Description |
resultObject | Object | |
iban | String | IBAN Number |
accountıd | Integer | Hesap Number |
maskedName | String | Masked Name |
maskedSurname | String | Masket Surname |
resultInfo | Object | |
isSuccess | boolean | Success |
code | String | Code |
description | String | Description |
message | String | Message |
innerInfo | String | inside information |
mapCodeForLastUser | String | - |
statistics | String | - |