

Real Environment

It will also be forwarded.

Test Ortam

Test Parameters Value
clientCode 10738
username test
password test

  • Account Create
  • Account Info
  • CreateWithCard
  • CheckWithGSM

POST /api/v1/Account/Create

Creates a personal account based on the information provided.

Parameters Required Type Description
identityNo Yes String Opsionel
name Yes String User's Name
surname Yes String User's Surname
mobilePhone Yes String User's Phone
birthDate Yes String User's birthday
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
accountId String Account information
accountNo String Account number
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Info
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "identityNo": "11457896320",
    "name": "test",
    "surname": "test"
    "mobilePhone": "5556669988"
    "birthDate": "01.01.1995"
    "resultObject": {
        "accountId": "70f606ce-79a4-4397-9ef4-a1ab6969b516",
        "accountNo": "6371501344675405",
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

GET /api/v1/Account/Info?accountId={accountId}

An example accountId value “70f606ce-79a4-4397-9ef4-a1ab6969b516” should look like this. Please make the call as parameter or from the URL as shown “accountId=70f606ce-79a4-4397-4397-9ef4-9ef4-a1ab6969b516”.

This service returns data such as name, surname, GSM, TCKN, Card ID for the incoming account ID value.

Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
accountId String Account Id
accountNo String Account number
name String Name
surname String Surname
mobilePhone String GSM phone
identityNo String TCKN Information
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Info
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "resultObject": {
        "accountId": "70f606ce-79a4-4397-9ef4-a1ab6969b516",
        "accountNo": "6371501344675405",
        "name": "John",
        "surname": Doe,
        "mobilePhone": "5556669988",
        "identityNo": "11457896320"
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Account/CreateWithCard

It is a service that creates an account and account-related card with user information and saves all documents related to account opening.
Runs a mernis query before creating an account and confirms the user's authenticity. It does not create accounts for users who cannot pass the Mernis query.

Parameters Required Type Description
identityNo * String TCKN Information
name * String Name
surname * String Surname
mobilePhone * String GSM number
birthDate * String Birthday
mail * String Email address
cardType * Integer Card Type
cardSubType * Integer Sub Card Type
documents * Object
id * Integer İd value
isAccepted * Boolean Acceptance result
address * String Address
cityCode * Integer City Code
townCode * Integer Town Code
Parametre Tip Açıklama
resultObject Object
accountId String Account Information
accountNo String Account Number
cardId String Id value of the card
cardNo String Card Number
expireDate String End Time
cvv String CVV Information
status Integer Status Information
statusDescription String Status Description
documents Object
id Integer Id value
acceptedDate String Date of acceptance
status String Status
statusCode Integer Status Code
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Info
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "identityNo": "11457896320",
    "name": "test",
    "surname": "test"
    "mobilePhone": "5556669988"
    "birthDate": "01.01.1995"
    "mail": "[email protected]"
    "cardType": 2
    "cardSubType": 1
    "documents": [
        "id": 1,
        "isAccepted": true
    "adress": "Test Mahallesi Test Caddesi No:0 Param Plaza Istanbul"
    "cityCode": 6
    "townCode": 1578
    "resultObject": {
        "accountId": "70f606ce-79a4-4397-9ef4-a1ab6969b516",
        "accountNo": "6371501344675405",
        "cardId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
        "cardNo": "string",
        "accountNo": "string",
        "expireDate": "string",
        "status": 0,
        "statusDescription": "string",
        "documents": [
            "id": 1,
            "isAccepted": true
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Account/CheckWithGSM

This service returns the account number and account information for the incoming phone information.

Parameters Required Type Description
mobilePhone * String Mobile Phone Number
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
accountCount String Account Count
accounts Object
accountId String Account ID value
accountNo String Account Number
cards Array Cards defined to the account
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Info
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "mobilePhone": "5556669988",
    "resultObject": {
        "accountCount": "1",
        "accounts": [
            "accountId": "70f606ce-79a4-4397-9ef4-a1ab6969b516",
            "accountNo": "6371501344675405"
            "cards": [ ]
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null