Co-Payment / iFrame

  • Co-Payment
  • iFrame

You can create a payment link with a shared payment page and receive payments from your customers through an interface. When you run the To_Pre_Encrypting_OOS service to set up the payment interface, a string value is returned in the result object within the response.

You can create the shared payment page by adding this string value to the link for the test environment, and to the link for the production environment.

After the payment transaction is completed, the payment result is sent as a post request to the address specified in the Return_URL parameter.

During test transactions, you can use our test cards.

Parameters Required Type Lenght Description
G Yes Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
GUID Yes String GUID value to be obtained from İŞube.
Borclu_Kisi_TC No String 11 The Turkish ID number of the person making the payment is optional and can be left blank.
Borclu_Aciklama Yes String 200 Description of the amount to be paid. If you want this field to be editable, you should prefix it with "e|", and if you want it to be readonly, you should prefix it with "r|".
Borclu_Tutar Yes String Amount to be received.
Borclu_GSM No String 10 Phone number
Borclu_Odeme_Tip Yes String You can pass "Other" by default. If you want this field to be editable, you should prefix it with "e|", and if you want it to be readonly, you should prefix it with "r|".
Borclu_AdSoyad Yes String 100 First and last name of the person making the payment. If you want this field to be editable, you should prefix it with "e|", and if you want it to be readonly, you should prefix it with "r|".
Return_URL Yes String URL to return the result after checkout
Islem_ID Yes String Unique ID or Key belonging to the lawyer for whom the payment will be made, as registered in your system regarding the payment transaction.
Taksit Yes Integer 1 If it is 0, all installments will be listed. If it is greater than 0, only that installment option will be listed.
Terminal_ID Yes Integer 5 The terminal number to be provided by us.
Parameters Type Lenght Description
TO_Pre_Encrypting_OOSResult String -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<TO_Pre_Encrypting_OOS xmlns="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ServiceSecuritySoapHeader xmlns="">
<TO_Pre_Encrypting_OOSResponse xmlns="">

To receive payment via iFrame, when you run the TP_Modal_Payment service, an iFrame link is returned in the response. You can navigate to the iFrame page using the related link.

After the payment transaction is completed, the transaction result is sent as a post request to the address specified in the Callback_URL parameter.

During test transactions, you can use our test cards.

Parameter Required Type Lenght Description
Code Yes Integer 5 The terminal ID will be provided by us.
User Yes String The User name will be provided by us.
Pass No String The Password will be provided by us.
GUID Yes String 36 Key belonging to the merchant.
GSM Yes String 10 Customer Phone number
Amount Yes String Amount
Order_ID Yes String 36 Order number
TransactionId No String 36 A unique ID is optional except for the Order ID related to the transaction.
Callback_URL Yes String 250 The page address where the transaction result will be posted if the payment transaction is successful/unsuccessful.
installment Yes Integer 2 The number of installments should be a value greater than 0 if you want to display all installments or just that specific installment number on the screen. 0: Shows all installments; greater than 0 shows that specific installment option.
MaxInstallment Yes Integer 2 It indicates the maximum number of installments to be displayed on the screen. For example, if 6 is entered, it shows installment options up to 6 installments. 0: Shows all installments; greater than 0 shows installment options up to that specific installment.
Parameter Type Lenght Description
ResultCode Integer If the result code returns a value greater than 0, the transaction is successful, and URL information is returned. In other cases, the transaction is unsuccessful.
ResultDescription String The result description returns an error message in cases where the transaction is unsuccessful.
URL String Returns the URL information that will open within the Iframe/Modal.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<TP_Modal_Payment xmlns="">
</TP_Modal_Payment> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<TP_Modal_PaymentResponse xmlns="">