Payment Methods

  • Sale 3D Model / NS
  • Sale - 3D Pay / NS
Method Name: TP_WMD_UCD

Nonsecure/3D payment is the method to initiate the transaction. For 3D transactions, the method prints the returned 3D Bank HTML content to the screen and performs redirection. Credit card verification process begins.

Control Scenarios
You can find the test scenarios we expect to be performed during the integration process here.

Order Amount Calculation Including Commission
Commission Rate: TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Liste commission rate of the installment selected from the method
Islem_Tutar: Amount of your order
Total_Amount = Islem_Tutar + ((Islem_Tutar x Commission Rate) / 100)

If the result parameter is greater than "0", print the content of UCD_HTML to the screen to initiate the 3D Secure Payment process. To complete the credit card transaction, you need to follow the steps below.

For NonSecure transactions (Important)
If Sonuc > 0, check if UCD_HTML equals 'NONSECURE'. If it does, the transaction ends. The Islem_ID value is the Receipt No value.
For a successful NonSecure transaction, Sonuc > 0, Islem_ID > 0, and UCD_HTML must be 'NONSECURE'. Otherwise, the transaction is unsuccessful.
In case of an error in the NONSECURE transaction, the Sonuc_Str value returns the error message from the bank.
If Sonuc > 0 and UCD_HTML is not 'NONSECURE', treat it as a 3D transaction.

If the company MCC (Merchant Category Code) is one of the following values: “5960 DIRECT MARKETING – INSURANCE”, “6300 INSURANCE SALES AGENTS”, or “6363 PENSION AND LIFE INSURANCE”, the NS transaction can be processed in a masked manner.
The information should be transmitted as follows:
KK_No: first 6 digits ****** last 4 digits
KK_SK_Ay: **
KK_SK_Yil: ****

TP_WMD_UCD Hash Formula

                Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Taksit & Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID 
                Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str)
Parameter Required Type Lenght Description
G Yes Object - ST_WS_Security Object
GUID Yes String 36 Key belonging to the Member Workplace
KK_Sahibi Yes String 100 Credit Card Holder
KK_No Yes String 16 Credit Card number
KK_SK_Ay Yes String 2 2-digit Expiration Month
KK_SK_Yil Yes String 4 4-digit Expiration Year
KK_CVC Yes String 3 CVC Code
KK_Sahibi_GSM No String 10 Credit Card Holder GSM No, without leading 0 (5xxxxxxxxx)
Hata_URL Yes String 256 Page address to redirect if the payment process fails
Basarili_URL Yes String 256 Page address to redirect if the payment process is successful
Siparis_ID Yes String 50 Unique ID specific to the order. If you have sent this value before, the system assigns a new Order_ID. Returns this Order_ID as a result of the transaction.
Siparis_Aciklama No String 250 Description of the order
Taksit Yes Integer 2 Selected Installment Number. Send 1 for single payment.
Islem_Tutar Yes String - Order Amount, (only in comma-separated cent format 1000.50)
Toplam_Tutar Yes String - Total Order Amount Including Commission, (only in comma-separated cent format 1000.50)
Islem_Hash Yes String - Transaction Hash Value
Islem_Guvenlik_Tip Yes String - NS (NonSecure) or 3D
Islem_ID No String - Unique ID other than the Order ID for the transaction optional
IPAdr Yes String 50 IP Address
Ref_URL No String 256 URL of the page where the payment is made
Data1 No String 250 Extra Field 1
Data2 No String 250 Extra Field 2
Data3 No String 250 Extra Field 3
Data4 No String 250 Extra Field 4
Data5 No String 250 Extra Field 5
Parameter Type Lenght Description
Islem_ID Long - SID Value
Islem_GUID String - Transaction GUID value
UCD_HTML String - 3D HTML code
UCD_MD String - 3D MD value
Sonuc Integer - Transaction result
Sonuc_Str String - Transaction result description
Bank_Trans_ID String - Bank Transaction ID value
Bank_AuthCode String - Bank Auth Code value
Bank_HostMsg String - Bank HostMsg value
Banka_Sonuc_Kod Integer - Code returned by the bank
Bank_Extra String - Bank Extra value
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body>
<TP_WMD_UCD xmlns="">

Result Parameters Example: For operations with NS

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<TP_WMD_UCDResponse xmlns="">
<Sonuc_Str>İşlem Başarılı </Sonuc_Str>
<Bank_HostMsg />

Sonuç Parametreleri Örnek: 3D li işlemler için

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<TP_WMD_UCDResponse xmlns="">
<Sonuc_Str>İşlem Başarılı</Sonuc_Str>

When you display the content of UCD_HTML on the screen, the Bank 3D screen will appear. After the 3D verification is completed, the following parameters will be posted to your Basarili_URL or Hata_URL pages.

Parameter Type Lenght Description
md String - MD value to be sent to UCD_MD parameter of TP_WMD_Pay method
mdStatus Integer 1 3D Verification Result. 1: Successful - Other cases indicate 3D verification failure.
orderId String - Order ID value sent to TP_WMD_UCD method
transactionAmount String - Transaction Amount sent to TP_WMD_UCD method
islemGUID String - Transaction GUID value returned from TP_WMD_UCD method
islemHash String - Transaction Hash value returned from TP_WMD_UCD method

Hash Control
To perform parameter verification, the following procedure must be followed.

Parameters that make up the hash value
islemGUID + md + md + mdStatus + orderId + GUID(key Lower as small must go)

Hash value encoded as based64 (SHA1)

Example code
Dim _sha As SHA1 = New SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()
Dim _bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(islemGUID + md + mdStatus + orderId + GUID (Member's workplace key) )
Dim _hashingbytes() As Byte = _sha.ComputeHash(_bytes)
Dim _hash As String = Convert.ToBase64String(_hashingbytes)

The hash value you created and the posted islemHash value must be the same.

mdStatus Values

1 = Verified Process (Full 3D)
2, 3, 4 = card not registered (Half 3D)
5, 6, 7, 8 = No valid validation or system error
0 = Verification Failed

mdStatus : If 1, 2, 3, 4, you can send a request to the TP_WMD_Pay method to complete the payment.
mdStatus : If 0,5,6,7,8, 3D verification failed. Do not send a request to the TP_WMD_Pay method.


Completing the Sales Transaction (3D Transactions for)
Method Name: TP_WMD_Pay

This method is used to debit the amount from the verified cards.

Parameter Required Type Lenght Description
G Required Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
GUID Required String 36 Merchant Key
UCD_MD Required String - Bank 3D MD value
Islem_GUID Required String 36 Transaction GUID value
Siparis_ID Required String - Order ID value
Parameter Type Lenght Description
Sonuc Integer - Transaction result
Sonuc_Ack String 36 Transaction result description
Dekont_ID String 36 Transaction receipt ID
Siparis_ID String - Order ID value
UCD_MD String - Bank 3D MD Value
Bank_Trans_ID String - Bank Transaction ID value
Bank_AuthCode String - Bank Auth Code value
Bank_HostMsg String - Bank HostMsg value
Bank_Extra String - Bank Extra value
Bank_Sonuc_Kod Integer - Bank Result Code value
Bank_HostRefNum String - Bank RRN value
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<TP_WMD_Pay xmlns="">
<UCD_MD>TP_WMD_UCD' den dönen değer.</UCD_MD>
<Islem_GUID>TP_WMD_UCD' den dönen değer.</Islem_GUID>
<Siparis_ID>TP_WMD_UCD' de kullanılan Siparis_ID değeri</Siparis_ID>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<TP_WMD_PayResponse xmlns="">

If Sonuc > 0 and Dekont_ID > 0, the transaction is successful. Otherwise the transaction is a failure.


Method Name: Pos_Odeme

This method is the method to start the Nonsecure / 3D payment process. (VirtualPOS_ID parameter is removed.) The 3D URL returned as a result of the transaction is redirected and the credit card payment process starts.

Control Scenarios
During integration, you can access the test scenarios we expect to be performed here.

Order Amount Calculation Including Commission
Commission Rate: rate of the installment selected from TP_Ozel_Oran_SK_Liste method
Islem_Tutar: The amount of your order
Total_Amount = Islem_Tutar + ((Islem_Tutar x Commission Rate) / 100)
is calculated as shown above.

If the Result parameter obtained from the ST_TP_Islem_Odeme object is greater than "0", redirect to the UCD_URL parameter to initiate the 3D Secure Payment process. Whether the credit card payment is successful or unsuccessful, POST is provided to the Hata_URL or Basarili_URL values.

If the Company MCC (Merchant Category Code) is one of the values "5960 DIRECT SALES-INSURANCE", "6300 INSURANCE AGENTS", "6363 PENSION AND LIFE", it can process the transaction in a masked manner for NS operations.
It should provide the following information:
- KK_No: first 6 digits ****** last 4 digits
- KK_SK_Ay: **
- KK_SK_Yil: ****
- Data1: ID Number

Pos Payment Hash Formula

                    Dim Transaction_Security_Str$ = CLIENT_CODE & GUID & Taksit & Islem_Tutar & Toplam_Tutar & Siparis_ID & Hata_URL & Basarili_URL 
                    Dim Transaction_Hash$ = SHA2B64(Transaction_Security_Str)
Parameter Required Type Length Description
G Yes Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
GUID Yes String 36 Member Merchant Key
KK_Sahibi Yes String 100 Credit Card Holder
KK_No Yes String 16 Credit Card Number
KK_SK_Ay Yes String 2 2-digit Expiry Month
KK_SK_Yil Yes String 4 4-digit Expiry Year
KK_CVC Yes String 3 CVC Code
KK_Sahibi_GSM No String 10 Credit Card Holder GSM No, without leading 0 (5xxxxxxxxx)
Hata_URL Yes String 256 URL to redirect to if the payment fails
Basarili_URL Yes String 256 URL to redirect to if the payment is successful
Siparis_ID Yes String 50 Unique ID for the order. If you have sent this value before, the system assigns a new Siparis_ID. This Siparis_ID is returned in the result.
Siparis_Aciklama No String 250 Order description
Taksit Yes Integer 2 Selected Installment Number. Send 1 for single payment.
Islem_Tutar Yes String - Order Amount, (only in decimal format, e.g., 1000.50)
Toplam_Tutar Yes String - Total Amount Including Commission, (only in decimal format, e.g., 1000.50)
Islem_Hash Yes String - Transaction Hash Value
Islem_Guvenlik_Tip Yes String 2 Send as NS (NonSecure) or 3D.
Islem_ID No String - Unique ID other than the Order ID for the transaction optional.
IPAdr Yes String 50 IP Address
Ref_URL No String 256 URL of the payment page
Data1 No String 256 Extra Field 1
Data2 No String 256 Extra Field 2
Data3 No String 256 Extra Field 3
Data4 No String 256 Extra Field 4
Data5 No String 256 Extra Field 5
Data6 No String 256 Extra Field 6
Data7 No String 256 Extra Field 7
Data8 No String 256 Extra Field 8
Data9 No String 256 Extra Field 9
Data10 No String 256 Extra Field 10

G Object:

Parameter Required Type Lenght Description
CLIENT_CODE * Integer 5 Terminal ID, will be provided by us.
CLIENT_USERNAME * String max 16 Username, will be provided by us.
CLIENT_PASSWORD * String max 11 Password, will be provided by us.
Parameter Type Lenght Description
Sonuc Integer - Transaction result
Sonuc_Str String - Transaction result description
Islem_ID Long - SID Value
UCD_URL String - 3D URL
Banka_Sonuc_Kod Integer - Code sent from the bank
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<Pos_Odeme xmlns="">
<KK_Sahibi>Albert Einstein</KK_Sahibi>
<KK_Sahibi_GSM>5350179608 </KK_Sahibi_GSM>

Result Parameters Example: For operations with NS

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Pos_OdemeResponse xmlns="">
<Sonuc_Str>İşlem Başarılı</Sonuc_Str>

Sonuç Parametreleri Örnek: 3D li işlemler için

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Pos_OdemeResponse xmlns="">
<Sonuc_Str>İşlem Başarılı</Sonuc_Str>

POST Parameters:

Parameter Description
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Sonuc Result value
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Sonuc_Str Result description
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Islem_Tarih Transaction date
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Dekont_ID Receipt number
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Tahsilat_Tutari Collected amount from customer
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Odeme_Tutari Net amount. Amount collected minus commission.
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Siparis_ID Unique Siparis_ID for the transaction sent to the service
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Islem_ID Islem_ID sent to the service
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Ext_Data Concatenated values of Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5 parameters separated by "|". Ext_Data = Data1 & "|" & Data2 & "|" & Data3 & "|" & Data4 & "|" & Data5
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Banka_Sonuc_Kod Code returned by the bank indicating an error
TURKPOS_RETVAL_Hash Hash value for the returned response

Hash Control
To perform parameter verification, the following procedure must be followed.

Parameters that make up the hash value
CLIENT_CODE + Key of the Merchant + TURKPOS_RETVAL_Dekont_ID + Tutar + Siparis_ID + Islem_ID value sent to Service

Hash value encoded as based64 (SHA1)

Example Code
Dim _sha As SHA1 = New SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()
Dim _bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(CLIENT_CODE + Key of the Merchant + TURKPOS_RETVAL_Dekont_ID + Tutar + Siparis_ID + Islem_ID value sent to Service)
Dim _hashingbytes() As Byte = _sha.ComputeHash(_bytes)
Dim _hash As String = Convert.ToBase64String(_hashingbytes)

The hash value you created and the posted islemHash value must be the same.

If TURKPOS_RETVAL_Sonuc < 0, TURKPOS_RETVAL_Dekont_ID returns "0" . If TURKPOS_RETVAL_Dekont_ID value is greater than "0" , it signifies that the debit transaction from the credit card has been completed.

If Sonuc > 0, UCD_URL is checked for equality to 'NONSECURE'. If they are equal, the transaction concludes. Islem_ID represents the Dekont No value. For a successful NonSecure transaction, Sonuc > 0, Islem_ID > 0, and UCD_URL='NONSECURE' must all hold true. Otherwise, the transaction fails. If the NONSECURE transaction encounters an error, Sonuc_Str returns the error message from the bank. If UCD_URL <> 'NONSECURE', it is treated like a 3D transaction.