Transaction Monitoring Methods

Method Name: TP_Islem_Izleme Metodu

It is the monitoring of the transactions carried out in a certain date range. Returns information about transactions.

As information; Transaction type, number of installments, commission rate, commission amount, net amount, amount, receipt ID, payer information, transaction security information (NS (NonSecure) or 3D) are accessed.

Parameters to Send:

Parameter Required Type Length Description
G * Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
GUID * String 36 Key Belonging to Member Workplace
Tarih_Bas * String 20 The date when the specific rates will be active. (dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss – 20.11.2015 00:00:00)
Tarih_Bit * String 20 The date when the specific rates will be passive. (dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss – 20.11.2015 15:15:00)
Islem_Tip * String - Cancellation , rebate and sale if is not sent they all return. Time is getting longer
Islem_Durum * String - Successful and unsuccessful if is not sent they all return. Time is getting longer

*Non-required fields must be submitted with empty values.

Result Parameters:

Parameter Type Length Description
Sonuc Integer - The transaction result
Sonuc_Str String - The transaction result explanation
DT_Bilgi Object - Storage card list

DT Bilgi Object:

Parameter Type Length Description
SanalPOS_Islem_ID Long - Virtual Pos Number
SanalPOS_Islem_ID_Orj Long - ORDER ID of the original transaction in cancellation and return transactions.
Sonuc_Str String - The transaction result explanation
Tip_Str String - Satış/Return/Cancellation döner
Tarih String - Date
Odeme_Yapan_Bilgisi String - Card Holder Information
Odeme_Yapan_AdSoyad String - Card Holder Name, Surname
Odeme_Yapan_GSM String - Card Holder GSM Number
Odeme_Yapan_TC String - Card Holder TC Number
Odeme_Aciklama String - Explanation of payment
Taksit Integer - Installment information
SanalPOS_Banka String - Virtual Pos
Komisyon_Oran String - Commission rate
Komisyon_Tutar String - Amount with commission
Net_Tutar String - Net amount
Tutar String - Amount
Islem_Guvenlik String - NS (NonSecure) veya 3D döner.
Dekont_ID Integer - Transaction Dekont ID si
ORJ_ORDER_ID String - ORDER ID of the original transaction in cancellation and return transactions.
Sonuc Integer - The transaction result
Kaynak String - Source
Toplam_Iade_Tutar String - Total rebate amount