Add Order Detail


This method is used to add order details.

Parameter Required Type Length Description
G Yes Object - ST_WS_Guvenlik Object
ETS_GUID Yes String 36 Marketplace GUID Value
Tutar_Urun Yes String - Amount of the total product
Tutar_Odenecek Yes String - Amount to be paid
SanalPOS_Islem_ID Yes String - VirtualPOS transaction ID
GUID_AltUyeIsyeri Yes String 36 GUID of the sub-merchant

G Object:

Parameter Required Type Length Description
CLIENT_CODE * Integer 5 Terminal ID will be forwarded by us.
CLIENT_USERNAME * String max 16 Username will be transmitted by us.
CLIENT_PASSWORD * String max 11 Password will be transmitted by us.
Parameter Type Length Description
Sonuc Integer 1 Result Value
Sonuc_Str String 150 Result Description, Sonuc_Ack Parameter > 0 Operation Successful, otherwise failed.
GUID_AltUyeIsyeri String 36 GUID of the sub-merchant
Tutar_Urun String - Amount of the total product
Tutar_Odenecek String - Amount to be paid
PYSiparis_GUID String 36 Marketplace Order GUID Value
SanalPOS_Islem_ID String - VirtualPOS transaction ID
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<TP_Siparis_Detay_Ekle xmlns="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<TP_Siparis_Detay_EkleResponse xmlns="">