• Payment Signature
  • Credit Card TopUp 3d Secure
  • Add Card
  • Non Secure With Saved Card
  • 3D With Saved Card

POST /api/v1/Pos/PaymentSignature

This service provides the calculation of the payment signature parameter required for the Top-up service.

Parameters Required Type Description
cardGuid Evet String Card GUID value
amount Evet String Amount
installment Evet String Number of Installments
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
signature Boolean Signature Hash
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cardGuid": "0B8B3CF1-ACD6-4509-9D47-19FDD541A85F",
    "amount": "10.00",
    "installment": 1,
    "resultObject": {
        "signature": "h5qG0Si0vrofcULJyaw6JQ=="
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Pos/CreditCardTopUp_3dSecure

It is a service used for credit card top-ups.

NOTE: The 3D page should be opened by adding threeDUrl after https://testpos.param.com.tr/This.

Parameters Required Type Description
cardGuid Yes String Card GUID value
amount Yes String Amount
installment Yes String Number of Installments
creditCardNumber Yes String Card Number
cardHolder Yes String Name and Surname on the Card
expireMonth Yes String Expiration Date (Month)
expireYear Yes String Expiration Date (Year)
cvc Yes String Security Code on the Back of the Card
ipAddress Yes String Customer's IP Address
applicationType Yes String Application Operating System (Android & IOS)
applicationName Yes String Application name
paymentSignature Yes String Signature Hash
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
status Boolean Status Information
statusDescription String Status Information Description
threeDUrl Boolean URL to which the customer will be redirected
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cardGuid": "0B8B3CF1-ACD6-4509-9D47-19FDD541A85F",
    "amount": "10.00",
    "installment": 1,
    "creditCardNumber": "4446763125813623",
     "cardHolder": "Test Deneme",
    "expireMonth": "12",
    "expireYear": "2026",
    "cvc": "000",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "applicationType": "Android",
    "applicationName": "Param",
    "applicationName": "Param Mobil Uygulaması",
    "paymentSignature": "h5qG0Si0vrofcULJyaw6JQ=="
    "resultObject": {
        "status": "45000036583",
        "statusDescription": "Success",
        "threeDUrl": "Tahsilat/3D_Secure/AkilliKart_3DPay_EST.aspx?rURL=MU_3D_Tran&SID2=9f1a07e0-7ba6-4e67-85e5-000accbb9f19"
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null

POST /api/v1/Pos/AddCard

Credit and debit card storage service.

Parameters Required Type Description
cardGuid Yes String Card GUID value
creditCardNumber Yes String Card Number
creditCardCardHolder Yes String Name and Surname on the Card
creditCardExpireMonth Yes String Expiration Date (Month)
creditCardExpireYear Yes String Expiration Date (Year)
creditCardCvc Yes String Security Code on the Back of the Card
Parameters Type Description
resultObject Object
status Boolean Status Information
statusDescription String Status Information Description
userUniqueid Boolean User Id Value
resultInfo Object
isSuccess boolean Success status
code String Code
description String Description
message String Message
innerInfo String Inner Information
mapCodeForLastUser String -
statistics String -
    "cardGuid": "0B8B3CF1-ACD6-4509-9D47-19FDD541A85F",
    "creditCardNumber": "4446763125813623",
    "creditCardCardHolder": "Test Deneme",
    "creditCardExpireMonth": "12",
    "creditCardExpireYear": "2026",
    "creditCardCvc": "000",
    "resultObject": {
        "status": 1,
        "statusDescription": "Başarılı",
        "userUniqueid": "22cdd8d2-8309-4778-98d4-5d67c93ef9e3"
    "resultInfo": {
        "isSuccess": true,
        "code": "0000",
        "description": "Successed",
        "message": "",
        "innerInfo": null,
        "mapCodeForLastUser": null,
        "statistics": null