Cancel or Refund


This method is used to cancel or refund a successful credit card transaction. Cancellation is made for transactions made on the same day and refund is made for transactions made on different days.

  • In order to cancel/refund orders received from multiple vendors, siparisTutar = 0 will be sent and all connected vendor orders will be canceled/refunded.
  • For products purchased from more than one seller, in cases of cancellation/refund on a seller basis; they are required to send information on the amount to be deducted from the relevant marketplace order (SiparisTutar) and the current amount to be paid to the seller (OdenecekTutar).
  • When the information to be paid to the seller (OdenecekTutar) is updated after the cancellation/refund transaction, OdenecekTutar cannot be greater than the OrderAmount information. WARNING: “The amount to be paid cannot be greater than the product amount”
Parameter Required Type Length Description
G * Object - ST_WS_Security Object
PYSiparis_GUID * String 36 Marketplace Order GUID Value (from the Pazaryeri_TP_Siparis_Detay_Ekle method result)
GUID * String 36 Merchant Key
Durum * String - For cancellation, write IPTAL.
For refund, write IADE.
Siparis_ID * String - Transaction Order ID value (from the Pos_Odeme method result)
Sipariş Tutar * Double - Order amount (If Sipariş Tutar=0, full amount is refunded. If Sipariş > 0, partial cancellation/refund is processed.)
Ödenecek Tutar * Double - Current amount to be paid to the seller

G Object:

Parameter Required Type Length Description
CLIENT_CODE * Integer 5 Terminal ID, will be provided by us.
CLIENT_USERNAME * String max 16 Username, will be provided by us.
CLIENT_PASSWORD * String max 11 Password, will be provided by us.
Parameter Type Length Description
Sonuc Integer 1 Result Value
Sonuc_Str String 150 Result Description, If Result Parameter > 0, Operation Successful; otherwise, unsuccessful.
Durum String 36 Status Code
Durum_Str String - Status Description
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<Pazaryeri_TP_Iptal_Iade xmlns="">
<Durum>IADE</Durum >
<SiparisTutar>30.00</SiparisTutar> <!--İade edilecek tutar-- >
<OdenecekTutar>10.00</OdenecekTutar> <!--Son durumda altüyeye aktarılacak tutar-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<Pazaryeri_TP_Iptal_IadeResponse xmlns="">
<Durum_Str>Sipariş Durum Güncellendi</Durum_Str>